Sharpen Your Lawn Mower Blade

One thing that can help you have an above average lawn is to have a sharp lawn mower blade.  At a minimum, I will sharpen my blades early in the spring as the next growing season is beginning and a second time in the fall.  

Here’s why your blade sharpness is important:

1. It helps the lawn stay healthy

A dull or dinged up blade will tear the grass and not cut smoothly.  This leaves the lawn more open to fungal disease.

2. It looks nicer

When the blade of your mower tears through the lawn it can leave a yellow/brown color at the cut edge.  This will take away from that nice green color, leaving a brown haze over the lawn.

Here’s How to do it

Over the years I’ve used various methods of sharpening, from using a file to using a blade sharpening attachment on my drill.  Now my favorite method is to use an angle grinder with a flap disc.  When your done getting that blade looking sharp, either purchase a balancing tool or do what I do and hang the blade on a nail in the garage.  Make sure its balanced and your ready to go.

-Joe Tepp

Just your average Joe, Not your average lawn

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